Symptoms to watch out for include diarrhea, vomiting, and cramps. You may experience general weakness or fatigue and possibly have a fever. Food. Food poisoning symptoms include stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. Read about different types of food poisoning, treatment, and tips for prevention. Call your doctor if you experience a high fever (over °F), blood in stool, prolonged vomiting, dehydration or diarrhea for more than three days. Get more. Symptoms of mild dehydration, including headache, fatigue, and dry mouth; Stomach pain and cramps; Nausea and vomiting; Frequent diarrhea; Fever. Some providers and health systems offer their patients a nurse line they can call if they have questions about self-care or when to see a doctor. We offer our.

Similar to the stomach flu, symptoms of dehydration as mentioned previously can develop over time if the poisoning symptoms persist. If you are vomiting blood. Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating and drinking food or drink which is contaminated by germs or toxins. Gastroenteritis is a gut infection with. The most common symptoms of food poisoning include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Although it's quite uncomfortable, food poisoning isn't unusual. According to. Although food poisoning usually has to run its course, here are some ideas to help lessen symptoms. Instructions. STEP 1: Consult your doctor if the symptoms. Characteristic symptoms of specific infections. Specific infections may have certain characteristic symptoms. get help I'd be dead. 0 0. Reply. where did my. Food poisoning is caused by eating contaminated food. Symptoms include vomiting, cramps and diarrhoea. It's not usually serious. Find out how to treat it. Food poisoning symptoms can look like the symptoms of stomach flu (gastroenteritis). Many people with mild cases of food poisoning think they have stomach flu. When You Need Urgent Care · nausea · belly pain and cramps · vomiting · diarrhea (with or without blood) · fever · headache · overall weakness. Fever is a protective symptom that helps the immune system work more efficiently. However, in severe cases, the patient can have a high fever above 39 degrees. diarrhoea; vomiting; stomach pains or cramps; sweating, fever or chills; headache; lethargy (extreme tiredness). The symptoms of food poisoning vary depending. How can we help you? Food poisoning and stomach bugs, or viral gastroenteritis as it is known medically, are two common types of acute gastrointestinal (GI).

Food poisoning can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as fever symptoms can take from 1 to 28 days to appear. You can decrease the risk of food poisoning. Symptoms can take between a few hours to a few days to start, depending on the cause of your food poisoning. Salmonella. Symptoms, Headache, fever, abdominal. When Should I Call the Doctor? · vomiting that lasts for more than 12 hours · diarrhea with a fever higher than °F (°C) · severe belly pain that doesn't go. If you think you have food poisoning, call your health care provider right away. · Confusion or trouble with balance · Fever or chills · Headache · Muscle aches. When Should I Call the Doctor? · vomiting that lasts for more than 12 hours · diarrhea with a fever higher than °F (°C) · severe belly pain that doesn't go. Get medical help if you have a fever over ° F or when you are feeling dehydrated. Urgent care services are also recommended for those who are included in. Fish poisoning causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, and headache. Specific types of fish poisoning can cause other signs and symptoms. The symptoms usually pass within a week. The most important thing is to have lots of fluids, such as water or squash, to avoid dehydration. Did you come into close contact with someone who Make sure you also keep tabs on how long your symptoms you probably don't have food poisoning. “A.

If you think you have food poisoning, call your health care provider right away. · Confusion or trouble with balance · Fever or chills · Headache · Muscle aches. When Should I Call a Doctor? · vomiting that goes on for more than 12 hours · diarrhea with a fever higher than °F (°C) · severe belly pain that doesn't go. It does not usually cause vomiting. The main symptoms are watery diarrhoea, cramps and stomach pain, fever, and possible blood in stools. The illness develops. The symptoms of food poisoning depend on the bacteria or other source causing it, but the most common symptoms are nausea and diarrhea. Not everyone will. Fever may or may not be present. Diarrhoea can range from very mild, self limiting disease of one to a few loose stools and only minimal symptoms. At the other.

If you have diarrhea or vomiting, you may lose a lot of fluids (get dehydrated). The goal is to replace your lost fluids and ease your symptoms. You may also be. Having severe symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, severe nausea and vomiting or a high fever. Save Clues for Food Safety Investigators. If you think your illness. Common Foodborne Illnesses and Symptoms · High fever (temperature over °F, measured orally). · Blood in the stools. · Frequent vomiting that prevents you from.

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